Sunday, January 29, 2012

(I love this photo.)

I hope someday my children will gain a testimony of service, mine is growing...although, just like with anything in life, it sometimes takes the back burner. I feel like as a mother I'm always serving my children and husband, and that is a wonderful thing, but I also have to remember that I need to extend my help to others outside of my family, because I know that will help leave a lasting imprint on my kids if they can see me serve others, and possibly allow them to be a part of the service as well. I try to remember this when I get a phone call from the compassionate service leader, because often I will say 'yes' to what they're asking me to do, but inside I am groaning a little bit. So that's a goal of mine this seek out opportunities to serve, and to do it with a happy heart. Because I truly am the happiest when I give of myself, and stop thinking about all of the things I want, and just quit being so selfish. I need to remember that, "...when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God."