Saturday, January 28, 2012

Christmas 2011

**not a lot of photos...I don't know why I always get caught up in the moment and forget to grab my's either that or the fact that I usually have Andy giving me attitude and telling me, "try to enjoy the moment and stop taking SO many pictures..."

We spent Christmas Eve with the Nerias. Our family had to have three acts to contribute to the talent show: Cael wrote a play about elves at Santa's workshop (we all had puppets), Andy sang a WAY cheesey Christmas song in his horrible holiday outfit, and then Cael and Ava sang another song as well. At least I got pictures of the girls doing their Hawaiian dancing.

We enjoyed a wonderful Christmas this year. It was the first time in about seven years that we've stayed here in Spanish Fork, usually we spend the holidays in Star Valley...but it was nice to be home, actually. We loved having Grandpa Beardall come over too. Christmas was on a Sunday this year, so after we opened presents and had breakfast, we headed off to church for a nice Sacrament meeting. Then once we were home for a few hours, we surprised the kids with one last present to was a paper that told them we were heading to Zion in an RV (a rental of course). They were so excited! They ran to the front window to look outside and there it was parked right in front of our house. I had all of our bags already packed, and food ready to go, so we headed out that evening (I'll post about that trip later). It was a great Christmas...Ava wanted a Leapfrog LeapPad which is almost like an iPad for kids (I even like playing on it), Cael wanted Spygear and xbox games, Will got a scooter and a light saber, and Elle got some fun little toys. Even though there wasn't a speck of snow on our grass, we enjoyed every minute of the warmest Christmas I can remember!