Saturday, February 13, 2010

Will, William, Willy, Willard

This little guy is always keeping us laughing. He is so much fun to have around. He wakes up everyday at 6:30 on the dot, ready to go, asking for cereal and wanting to play "baka-ball". He loves riding bikes, and playing cars. When Cael leaves for school each day, Will loves to go in and snoop around his room. You hardly ever see him without a pair of shoes on, and it doesn't matter who's they are...he loves Ava's church shoes, moon boots, high heels, and Andy's running shoes. Uncle Jeff gave him a box of "Toy Story" books, which he carries around with him, and takes to bed to read. He's our little trouble maker, always finding something to spill, write-on, or break. We love you, Will!