Thursday, February 4, 2010

Our First Broken Bone

January 19, 2010
9:15 p.m.-Ava falls off the back of the couch (she said she was sitting on it like a pony) landing on her right arm. I run in to see why she is crying so hard, and it is totally apparent her arm is broken. I yell for Andy to come help me. My dad was staying with us, and so we were able to leave Will and Cael home with him.
9:20-Driving to the ER. It was hard to even look down at her arm, and all she wanted me to do was hold her elbow "tight". It was making me sick, all the while she was being so tough.
9:40-Got to Utah Valley, and walk into the ER only to see it COMPLETELY packed. We could barely find a place where we 3 could sit together. Andy checks us in, and then we just sit and wait, and wait.
10:45-Get called back to a small room where there is a nurse assessing our situation. X-rays are taken. We are given an ice pack for her arm, and told to go back out and wait until our name is called. Ava at this point has stopped crying, and was just falling in and out of sleep.
12:00 a.m.-Taken back to a room. Doctors come in and tell us that it is "a pretty good break" (which means pretty bad), and that we may need to go up to Primary Children's.
12:15-Doctors come back in and tell us that they got hold of an Orthopedic Surgeon who said he would treat it...but not until the following morning. It will need to have pins placed in the elbow joint.
12:30-An ER tech puts a temporary cast on her arm, and they give her some pain medication (finally), and get her ready to go up to her room.
12:45-I leave to go home with the other kids, Andy stays the night with her.
January 20 (Andy's birthday)
10:00 a.m.-Ava's rolled into surgery. She was SO brave through everything. All we had talked about to her was how when she got out she was going to have the coolest pink cast on that everybody could sign.
11:00-Surgery is over, and everything went perfectly.
11:30-She comes out of recovery with a WHITE cast on, apparently we didn't tell the right person about the color. Oh well.
12:00 to 3:00-She continues to sleep with her good arm wrapped up around her eyes, so she doesn't have to look at anyone. Every time I try to talk to her or touch her she gets mad. I can't figure out if it's just the drugs she's on, or was she really mad that I didn't stay the night with her...the only person she wants is Andy. It makes me so sad.
2:00-She finally starts crying for me to hold her, and so I jump in bed with her and finally get to hold my brave little girl.
5:00-Get discharged and drive home.
6:00-My mom has dinner/party ready for us and Andy.
7:00-Shelly & Lele and girls show up with gifts for Ave's and a cake for Andy.
8:30-Bedtime. SO happy to have Ava home with us.

All she ever talks about is how SHE got presents on Daddy's birthday. She is healing well, and the only problem we ever deal with is how to stop those nagging little itchy spots under her cast. She's even learned to use it as a weapon on her brothers and has caused a few tears with it.