Monday, August 11, 2008

My son, Cael.

Tonight we went to watch Andy play in a double header in his Provo league. I laid out a blanket in a grassy area between two of the fields, where we ate, and I spent most of my time there holding Will. At one point during the 2nd game, I had just sat down to feed the baby and I looked over to see that Ava had run clear behind the field Andy was playing on, where there was a little dirt path. A little further down that path is a pond, and so I "semi-urgently" asked Cael to run and get her before she got out of sight. Obviously I wasn't that worried because I could still see her, so I stayed on the blanket with the baby and just watched as Cael ran away. A few seconds later I looked over to see if they were heading back, but now I could just see the top of their heads, which meant that they were sitting down on the dirt path. I wanted to see if Cael would follow through on my orders so I just continued to watch them, and waited for them to head back. After a few more minutes had past and I could still see them sitting there, I started to yell Cael's name but he couldn't hear me. So, a little frustrated, I picked up Will and began walking over to them, totally ready to get mad at them both for not minding, and all the while asking myself; "what in the world could they be doing over there?". Once I got around the fence and could see what was going on, I saw Ava sitting there in bare feet with tears in her eyes, and Cael right next to her pulling out these very sharp stickers that she had walked on, and had poked through her cheap foam flip-flops. I got a little lump in my throat mainly because of what I was seeing, and partially because I was also a little disappointed at myself for being so impatient, and almost yelling at him. I'm so glad I didn't, and was able to watch him finish getting each and every last "prickly" out of her shoes. When he was all done he helped her put them back on and then asked, "Is that better Ava?" It was just a little moment that meant so much to me. He's such a great big brother. I love you Cael.