Friday, August 8, 2008

4 months old!

The past four months have been sort of a blur. Will is growing up so fast, and I feel like I'm missing it! With other kids in the picture, and a million things to get done everyday, I have to force myself to just stop what I'm doing, and sit down and play or talk with him. It's not that I wouldn't love to spend every minute of the day doing that -because I would, it just gets hard when we have such a busy house. So, he really is such a good little baby, and loves any attention he gets from anyone. He hardly ever cries, except when he gets hungry. He now sleeps through the night from about 10:00 till 5:00 (which is pretty great). He loves to be held and loves to snuggle which is so much fun too. Ava has done a 180 and really has become a "little mommy" to Will. She's always the one to let me know when he needs me, and she's always willing to play with him when I ask her too. Cael's been a really good big brother too! We sure do love our little guy, he's been such a blessing to our family.