Tuesday, July 10, 2007


We began the day with the freedom festival parade, which was surprisingly enjoyable because we had great seats in the shade. Ava loved all the pretty girls that would wave at her, and Cael liked seeing Cosmo (BYU mascot) on a motorcycle. We sat by my family and the Fullers (Scott's in-laws). After the parade we had lunch at Scott and Brittany's house, and then got ice cream at the mall. It was quite a relaxing day. That night, Andy put on a fireworks show on the street in front of our house. The Harris' and the Nerias were very gracious spectators, they cheered after EVERY single one he lit. :) The only injury sustained that day was when Ava tripped on the driveway and skinned her cute little nose. All in all, it was a great 4th.