Monday, October 26, 2009

Cornbelly's @ Thanksgiving Point

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Valley of Fire - Ragnar Relay

Run, Drive, Sleep, Repeat... or rather: Run, Puke, Try to sleep, Repeat...
Team 88 "El Doce Loco"

Andy and I were able to be on the same team with some of our friends, and even though we didn't get to see each other that much, it was fun just knowing he was doing it with me. We had such a great time! It seriously is a fun experience...when you look back on it. It's the times when you're having to run a 6 mile long leg at 3:00 in the morning, that you start asking yourself, " why again did I sign up for this?".

All the ladies. Allyson & Tara

Home sweet home for two days. This van saw a lot of tears shed (due to laughing so hard), and heard A LOT of girl talk. What fun favorite? Mel taking us (in the van) on this BIKE trail, through low clearance tunnels, and hair-pin turns, going around 40 mph because we were in a hurry to make it to an exchange...We got lost quite a bit, but always managed to make it to our check points on time!

We 3 got the "Saints and Sinners" medal, for running in both the Wasatch Back and the Vegas Ragnars.

Granparent's Day @ Spanish Oaks

The first grade put on a program for Grandparents. My mom was able to go and watch, and she took Ava along too. Cael did such a great job singing all of the songs, and saying his memorized part. After the program, Cael was able to give Grandma a tour of his school and class room. She then took them to get treats afterwards. It meant a lot to Cael that my mom would drive all the way here just to be at the program.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dancing Divas

Best Friends - Ava and Kenedee

These two are an absolute riot to watch each week at dance. Half of the class they work on tap dancing, and the other half is ballet. Whenever there is any sort of a break or song change, you'll catch them either staring at themselves in the side mirror, hugging, holding hands, or giggling about some secret one of them just whispered to the other. They're both very naturally talented and have such a great time! At home, Ava and I work on the moves she's learning, but she always lets me know that I'm doing it ALL wrong, and that SHE is the dancer. I'm already getting excited for their Spring recital. They are learning a dance to "Splish, Splash", and it's SO cute!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

First Day of School

My little man is in first grade!! I was worried all summer about how he was going to adjust to being at school ALL day, but he absolutely loves it. His teacher this year is Mrs. Campbell, and he really likes her. He especially loves recess and eating school lunch. Cael is such a smart boy, and is already starting to read. He works hard on his homework each night, and won't give up on something until he totally feels comfortable that he knows it. He still blows me a kiss everyday before he walks through the school doors, which I love! It was by far harder for me to have Cael start full time school than it was for him, it just makes me sad that he is away from me for the majority of the day now. I'm jealous that his teacher gets to see more of him than I do during the week. It's crazy how the days fly by...once he gets home, it's time for homework, dinner, baths, and then bedtime. Time is just slipping by me. I wish I could freeze it.

Ava started her dance class at Esprit De Corps, and she looks forward to it every week. Hardly ever will you catch her not wearing a dance costume or swimsuit. She's figured out how to get on my computer, turn on iTunes, and blast her favorite Lady Gaga song. She really is a natural. I decided to keep her home with me this year, and just do one year of pre-school next year. Will and I love having her around too much!

Labor Day Weekend

Orem Owlz Game
Cael, Leah, and Ava.

Eating @ The Mayan

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Dinosaur Museum

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Young Women Camp 2009

For YW camp this year we took the girls up to my parent's cabin, located in the Fairview mountains. One of the highlights was going to the Manti Temple to do baptisms.

I know...they were kind of spoiled. It's a far cry from what I actually had to experience up at Camp Mia Shalom, when I was a youth. But, other than the electricity, kitchen, bathrooms, and warm place to sleep, it's just like we were full on camping. :)

We really had some great Priesthood leaders up there with us helping out. Bro. Orton taught us all how to make some yummy dutch oven meals. And I loved having Andy come up for the Dinner with the Bishopric.

30 girls + a long hike in the rain = 60 VERY MUDDY shoes!

Our "great and spacious building" that the girls had to pass on the Faith Walk.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

24th of July Weekend

Spanish Fork City parade and fair

Provo Canyon
We spent the weekend with my family. The kids especially loved riding rides at the fair, and having lunch up Provo Canyon.