Thursday, September 17, 2009

First Day of School

My little man is in first grade!! I was worried all summer about how he was going to adjust to being at school ALL day, but he absolutely loves it. His teacher this year is Mrs. Campbell, and he really likes her. He especially loves recess and eating school lunch. Cael is such a smart boy, and is already starting to read. He works hard on his homework each night, and won't give up on something until he totally feels comfortable that he knows it. He still blows me a kiss everyday before he walks through the school doors, which I love! It was by far harder for me to have Cael start full time school than it was for him, it just makes me sad that he is away from me for the majority of the day now. I'm jealous that his teacher gets to see more of him than I do during the week. It's crazy how the days fly by...once he gets home, it's time for homework, dinner, baths, and then bedtime. Time is just slipping by me. I wish I could freeze it.

Ava started her dance class at Esprit De Corps, and she looks forward to it every week. Hardly ever will you catch her not wearing a dance costume or swimsuit. She's figured out how to get on my computer, turn on iTunes, and blast her favorite Lady Gaga song. She really is a natural. I decided to keep her home with me this year, and just do one year of pre-school next year. Will and I love having her around too much!