Sunday, June 10, 2007

Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!!

Today Ava was officially allowed into nursery, because she'll turn 18 months in a few days. What a great day it was at church for that reason. :) I actually got to sit by Andy in Sunday school, and I even learned a few things from the lesson. Relief Society was wonderful too! She went in willingly and had a great time, never cried once (so I was told). I actually had started to miss her by the time church was over. Anyway, we don't need to bring up the topic of Sacrament Meeting...we are a complete circus to watch, and then when Andy has to leave our bench to do his Ward Clerk stuff -it's a joke. But I'll take what I can get. So, until we have another baby I can at least enjoy 2 hours of church. :)