Monday, June 25, 2007

4 going on 14

Next week Cael will give his first talk in Primary, and he's pretty excited about it (which is unbelievable!). Ever since he entered primary, he hasn't really liked going to sharing time OR class, which has made Sundays a little rough around our house. Andy is at meetings all morning, so I'm left to get the kids ready, and needless to say, there is usually crying involved (sometimes by both parties). Cael will first hide from me, and then once I've found him it's a wrestling match to get him dressed. I honestly didn't think I'd be dealing with this stuff until I had teenagers. But, some good news... he and a few other kids just got switched over to the other Sunbeam class, due to growth in the ward. Now he acts like Primary is the coolest thing ever (I've concluded it's because of his teachers). I'm so grateful to people in the ward that take their callings seriously, and prepare good lessons, because that has made all the difference in the world with Cael. I know sometimes it gets discouraging to be a Primary teacher. I used to feel like the kids weren't ever listening or even cared...but being on the other end now, I know they do.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Happy Father's Day!!

Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a Dad...Happy Father's Day, I love ya babe.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!!

Today Ava was officially allowed into nursery, because she'll turn 18 months in a few days. What a great day it was at church for that reason. :) I actually got to sit by Andy in Sunday school, and I even learned a few things from the lesson. Relief Society was wonderful too! She went in willingly and had a great time, never cried once (so I was told). I actually had started to miss her by the time church was over. Anyway, we don't need to bring up the topic of Sacrament Meeting...we are a complete circus to watch, and then when Andy has to leave our bench to do his Ward Clerk stuff -it's a joke. But I'll take what I can get. So, until we have another baby I can at least enjoy 2 hours of church. :)

Monday, June 4, 2007

Visiting the Graves

This past Saturday we went with my mom to visit the graves that she had decorated the previous week. She always goes to retrieve the silk flowers after Memorial Day is over, because the grounds crew at the cemetary will throw everything away. When we got to Grandma and Grandpa Nelson's graves, there were two Dove chocolate candies placed on their headstone, so we knew Aunt Janis had already stopped by.

The whole day I was trying to explain to Cael where we were and what we were doing, and would tell him that it wasn't a place to run around. Sometimes he would forget, and walk on the headstones...but I know for sure Grandma and Grandpa loved having his little feet on theirs.