Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Memorial Weekend

Andy's entire family was in town for Memorial Day, which never happens (we usually see them all at different times). Everyone spent alot of time either at our house or Shelly's. We barbequed, went to some of our nephew's softball games, and just enjoyed the great weather. On Monday, we drove up to Sundance and took the kids on the scenic lift ride. Cael loved it, as long as Andy wasn't rocking the chair... Ava was a little uneasy at first, but by the end she was so mad, because I wouldn't let her stand up. We stopped off at the little cafe' after the ride. The kids loved the HUGE Sundance suckers. That night we barbequed and watched the Jazz lose AGAIN. Aside from all the fun we had this weekend, I truly do feel blessed to live in such a wonderful country. I am forever grateful to all those who have died for the freedoms I enjoy, and for all those who are currently serving our country. I look forward to the day when I can meet those who have passed on, and tell them thank you for sacrificing their lives, so that I could live in this great land.