Thursday, May 24, 2007

Cael and Ava

Cael and Ava have turned out to be the best of friends. There are definitely more challenges to having more than one child, but in many ways it makes life easier... Cael and Ava love to play together, and Cael teaches her so many new things-even when he's not meaning to. Seeing how happy they make each other, makes me want to have a large family. My husband and kids are my biggest blessing. With nothing else have I felt the most intense of emotions, and experienced such happiness. I love them more than words could ever explain.

Cael can be pretty rough with Ava sometimes, so I'm often reminding him to "be softer" with her. He loves to wrestle with her and she actually enjoys it too (oh, how he could use a little brother). There are alot of little boys in our neighborhood that are Cael's friends, but you'll always see Ava right in the mix of them, just as dirty and scuffed up as the next kid. She does like all the "girly" things, but she sure has a tomboy side to her too. Oh, and something she is doing lately that is so funny...she thinks she needs to use the toilet the same way Cael does (even though she is still wearing a diaper, and I'm not even thinking about potty training yet). She will stand in front of it, put up the lid and the seat, and pretend to go. Although, a few times (like right before a bath), I didn't have a diaper on her, and she let it all out right there on the tile. So, I'm trying to teach her that girls sit down and face forward. She doesn't like that style at all.

One of their favorite things to do together is get all cozy on the couch with their drinks and blankets, and watch a movie. Ava loves to have her hand on Cael, and she usually ends up falling asleep on his lap. It melts my heart!!