Friday, January 18, 2013

...and then there were none.

Our third and last hamster died last night.  His name was Hammy.  We liked him a lot. He was one of the babies that the mom had last Spring.  He was pretty cute, I have to say.  He loved running on his ALL NIGHT LONG sometimes.  It was almost kind of comforting to go check on the boys at night and hear that little wheel spinning, gave me a sense of security, like someone was awake doing their workout while the rest of us slept...kind of weird, I know, but I'll actually miss that. The kids loved getting him out of his cage and setting up obstacle courses for him where he was supposed to knock down action figures as he went.  He was loved for sure. The kids are a little sad, but are doing fine. :)  As for me, I think we're done with pets for a little while.