Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Lake Powell Round 2

All 10 of us.
We had a great secluded spot.

Andy and I enjoying the view at the end of our hike.


Andy in the bubble.

Andy and Will

Will is such an awesome wake boarder...even @ age 43!

I finally got some pics from Jen Allred, of our anual ADULTS ONLY trip to LP...yah...the trip where on one of our adventurous hikes my camera got dropped in the water!  We had a such a great time with the other 4 couples, and it was fun meeting a few new people too.  Our friend's brother started the huge "Powellooza", which is a 3 day party (watch it on youtube- it's nuts!) on the lake for college kids that have to pay a pretty penny to attend.  It was going to take place a few days after we went, so we got asked to haul down a few of the water toys they would be using...and give them a test run! Our favorite was the "hamster ball".  Once it is rolled up a big sand hill, you climb inside and strap yourself in.  Then you are let go to roll down the entire hill, turning over and over until it rolls into the water, which obviously floats and doesn't take in water. So, it is soooo scary, but soooo fun! I haven't laughed so hard as I did that day seeing everyone go down.  It was a blast! It was sure comforting to know we had Darren and Scott (both doctors-one being a surgeon) along with us on anything dangerous we did, just in case we needed medical attention :)...there were a few close calls. We did the usual late night card games, projector movies, boating/wake boarding all day long, hikes, dinners @ the marina.  We always come back needing another vacation because we play so hard, and don't get enough sleep.  Can't wait for next time!

Friday, January 18, 2013

...and then there were none.

Our third and last hamster died last night.  His name was Hammy.  We liked him a lot. He was one of the babies that the mom had last Spring.  He was pretty cute, I have to say.  He loved running on his ALL NIGHT LONG sometimes.  It was almost kind of comforting to go check on the boys at night and hear that little wheel spinning, gave me a sense of security, like someone was awake doing their workout while the rest of us slept...kind of weird, I know, but I'll actually miss that. The kids loved getting him out of his cage and setting up obstacle courses for him where he was supposed to knock down action figures as he went.  He was loved for sure. The kids are a little sad, but are doing fine. :)  As for me, I think we're done with pets for a little while.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Live Nativity

We went to the Live Nativity in Fountain Green a few days before Christmas. It's quite close to mom and Lynn's house, so we had dinner with them first and then drove out. The little city of Fountain Green does such a great job with the whole thing. I love that you can feel the Spirit so strongly as you walk through the "city", and then once you come to the manger, I'm always brought to tears. We had cookies and hot chocolate afterwards. (I haven't had a camera for months, since mine got dropped in the water on our couples Lake Powell trip. I'm still looking to buy I'm glad my mom took these.) It was a great way to get us ready for Christmas.