Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Back To School

Ava-1st grade with Miss Olsen and Cael-4th grade with Mrs. Dietz. They both had a great first day of school, and are excited for tomorrow. Elle and Will and I were so happy to see them when they got home this afteroon.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Elle has pretty much taken over Ava's barbie house. She tries to find any willing person to come downstairs to play...she'll ask you, "bah-bee's?" It's the cutest.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

I never dreamed I would have someone like Andy to be my husband, and the father to my children. Before I ever met him, I always sort of wished there was someone like him out there, but didn't think it was really possible that I'd ever find him, and get EVERYTHING I ever wanted on my "list". He far exceeds every expectation I ever had. He really is the most amazing man, and I love him so much. One of the many things that I love about him is how once he's home from work, he's ready to play with the kids...and they know it too! From buckin' bronco rides, to jumping on the tramp, to bike rides, to shooting hoops, to helping with home work, to changing a diaper...Whatever sounds fun, or needs to be done at the moment, he's on it. He makes life so wonderful for all of us, and I'm grateful everyday of my life that I have him with me for now and for eternity.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Cabin

BB gun target practice

Sitting around the fire...

Making leaf tracings

I love when the kids get into "cowboy" mode, and have to talk, dress, and act like they are in a Western.  It's so fun to eavesdrop on them. :)

Best buds- Cael & Max

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Orange Julius' with Grandma

Growing up, my mom always made the best orange julius' for us in the morning before school.  We especially loved having them with a slice of buttered toast.  It is a good memory I have of my childhood.  So when Grandma came to stay the night so Andy and I could go out with the Brimhalls, she not only brought me an awesome new blender, she cleaned the house, did my laundry and stayed long enough the next morning to be here when the kids woke up....and they were able to have an Orange Julius with buttered toast.