Thursday, June 21, 2012


I love, love, love having the kids home.  I really do miss them during the school year.  My only complaint is that this summer is flying by way to fast!  I found a cute little idea that we've been trying to do each week:

They wake up in the morning and do a few chores and a couple worksheets, and then we plan out the day.  They each take a turn picking the activity.  I really love that most of the things we decide to do cost little or no money...but we do splurge now and again. 
They are allowed two days a week to have friends over for a few hours, and when it is "Friend Day", boy! the friends come in herds.  :) But I don't mind at all, because I'm happy to know that kids in the neighborhood like being here, and more importantly I love that my kids love being here.  It's usually one big party over here on those two days of the week....X-box, hot tub, tramp, beyblades, snacks...
Most days go pretty well for us, but believe me, mixed in with all these fun days/activities are plenty of fights, time-outs, and crying...but that's just life.