Friday, June 22, 2012

Andy put on a little impromptu fire works show the other weekend...a pretty late one (the kids were in their pajamas ready for bed).  Here they are doing some sparklers.  This was the night he said, "Yup, I'm going all out this year on fireworks."  I think he will keep his promise (not that I really want him to), because I did see a certain receipt from TNT Fireworks-Evanston, WY., from his last little trip up there.  Should be a fun 4th!

Thursday, June 21, 2012


I love, love, love having the kids home.  I really do miss them during the school year.  My only complaint is that this summer is flying by way to fast!  I found a cute little idea that we've been trying to do each week:

They wake up in the morning and do a few chores and a couple worksheets, and then we plan out the day.  They each take a turn picking the activity.  I really love that most of the things we decide to do cost little or no money...but we do splurge now and again. 
They are allowed two days a week to have friends over for a few hours, and when it is "Friend Day", boy! the friends come in herds.  :) But I don't mind at all, because I'm happy to know that kids in the neighborhood like being here, and more importantly I love that my kids love being here.  It's usually one big party over here on those two days of the week....X-box, hot tub, tramp, beyblades, snacks...
Most days go pretty well for us, but believe me, mixed in with all these fun days/activities are plenty of fights, time-outs, and crying...but that's just life.

Academy of Ballet - Swan Lake

Can I just say that Ava is such an amazing little dancer.  Her flexibility is out of this world.  We loved watching her during her recital at the Covey Center last week.  We are taking a break from all things dance this summer, even though she's begging for more...she will get to do one little camp in a few weeks which she is looking forward to.  They don't let any sort of photography during the show, so these all of her before and after.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

 Grandpa "B", Dad, Grandma "B"- right before my dad left on his mission.
Dad with Grandpa "B" and Aunt Gayle -skiing up at Sundance.

Happy Birthday, DAD! You are such a wonderful father and grandfather, thanks for all you do for me and my little family.  We love you!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Aunt Shelly's 40th!

Lele and some of Shelly's good friends threw her the best 40th birthday party. There were so many people that came! The best part about it was it was a total surprise to her. She just about fainted when she walked into the room and saw over a hundred people there.  Shelly has so many people that adore her, because she is so selfless and always willing to help others out, is so unpretentious, and hardly ever spends any money on herself...I could go on and on about the amazing attributes she possesses.  She is such an amazing example to me.  We were so happy we were able to be at this awesome party!
Hundreds of cupcakes!

Waiting for her to arrive.
Lele had it catered.  All the food was so good!
On the dance floor.

One of our good friends, Doug Stone, was the DJ and MC.  Andy did his "Randy LeBeef" stand-up act for everyone.  People were crying they were laughing so hard.  (I didn't get any pictures because I was videotaping)

Emma and Shelle' dancing.  They are so fun to watch!