Thursday, May 10, 2012


On the train....

Will with his new Jack Sparrow sword.
Ava and Dad eating lunch in the hotel.
"Hello?.....Uh-huh. Yup. Okay, Bye!"

One of Elle's favorite attractions was Toon Town.
Will and I on top of the steamboat.
Peyton, Hallie, and Ava
Cael enjoying the boat ride.

Will, Ava, Kate, and Cael
I loved waking up every morning to see what position these two were in.
Ava taking a little cake break while swimming at Will and Tracy's house.
Jumping Competion
Always climbing on the rails...
We loved the parades!
Tess and Peyton

We got a jump start to our summer vacationing and took the kids to California this past week to hit Disneyland! absolute family favorite...Andy always does his homework when planning a trip, and so of course, we stayed in THE closest hotel to the park (which made it so easy to go back and forth for swimming and naps), and he has figured out the FASTPASS system so well that we honestly never had to wait in a line for more than ten minutes, if that. We usually just walked right on all of them. Such a perfect week to go! He had the 4 days planned out so well, we hit every single ride/show we wanted to do, and then would go back for second and thirds of our favorite ones. The weather was perfect the entire time, and the kids did great. Although, I do have to mention that Elle wouldn't ride in the double jogger with Will, so I got to carry that little turkey EVERYWHERE!...I actually didn't mind too much though, she gave me a great bicep workout. We loved having Dave and Gina and Mike and Megan there with us, and all their cute kids. It was a non-stop party! The day we went to Huntington Beach, there was a surf competition going on, so the kids liked watching that. After park hopping for four days in between D-land and California Adventure, we headed North and stayed a night in Primm. Then the following day it was Macie's baptism, so we got to go see the rest of our relatives in St. George for her special day, and more swimming and playing. By this time our kids were beginning to think that life was going to forever be one big party after another, so it was good to get back to reality, and school, and chores. Oh! Aaaand, our hamster (who all along we've been calling Larry) had twins while Shelly and Lele and the girls were taking care of him...well, her!! We had no idea it was a female, let alone a pregnant one! It freaked all of us out a little bit. So, now we have three, and are fighting over what to call them, and I've had to buy a bigger cage for the new family. The kids love them so much, and I have to admit they are pretty cute. Fun times in California, and the kids already talk about the next time we get to go...only 700+ more days till we get to go back!...I don't think we'll start counting that one down for a while yet.