Saturday, April 21, 2012

Painting Easter Eggs

Friday, April 20, 2012

General Conference

General Conference was so amazing. I enjoyed so many talks, and really needed to hear them as well. Cael and Ava were so good to listen to EVERY SINGLE SESSION, and took notes on lots of the talks. The best part of it is they did it without us even making them. They just wanted to so they could fill out their conference packets that they got from Primary. They are so awesome. We put up Cael's new tent that he got from Gramma for his birthday, and then they watched conference on the computer inside the tent. I'm so grateful for my little family, and for the testimonies I'm seeing blossom in my children. I'm so grateful to be a member of this true church, and know that our prophet speaks about the things that my Heavenly Father wants me to know.

a few birthdays...

March and April are great months at our house because we get to celebrate Cael and Will's birthdays. Cael turned 9 this year, and Will turned 4. We had a really fun party for Cael with 7 of his best friends. We took all the boys to the Lehi Legacy Center, and they had a blast swimming. When we asked Will what he wanted to do for his party, all he wanted to do was stay home and have his cousins here and Banks (of course). I only took a few pictures of all of the festivities. These are of Cael opening his huge scrapbook that Gramma put together for him, and a new tent, and Grandma and Grandpa Hokanson sent him Harry Potter legos. Will got a Jack Sparrow toy and sports balls and a new (indoor) tent and sleeping bag. They've loved playing with all of the new toys they got. I love my boys. I love that they get to share a room, and talk (and sometimes yell) to each other at night, and that they are good buddies (most of the time). They are the best sons I could've dreamed up. Happy Birthday, Will and Cael!