Thursday, February 2, 2012

RV'ing in Zion National Park

I don't know how I'll ever be able to go on another trip again, without doing so in an RV. I'm ruined! It was so nice to have everything we needed with us wherever we were...sometimes we'd pull up to do a hike and someone would be napping, so we'd pull out some snacks and play a card game, or watch a movie until we were ready to go, or we'd get back from a bike ride and just want to hang out, so we would. I loved not having to always be jumping in and out of a car, especially at ZION, because we were always getting out to see some cool artifact, walk through a museum, do a hike, eat was such a great way to travel, needless to say. We were all sad to have to return it at the end of it all. What a fun little trip it was!