Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Tooth Fairy was a "No-Show"...

Last night, Andy pulled out one of Cael's front teeth. He's lost 6 now. He's always so brave to let Andy do it, even though he does get quite scared before. So, they got it out, we all went to Sonic for ice cream after our FHE lesson, then Cael put his tooth in a baggy and put it under his pillow. After dealing with all the kids, and cleaning up before I went to bed, I completely forgot to go put a dollar in the tooth's place. Uh-oh. Cael was so sad this morning when he woke up to see his tooth still there. What bad parents we are. I felt so bad. While he was in the bathroom, I quickly put a dollar into the crack of his mattress and bed frame, and then told him to come look a little harder to see if he might have missed the money somehow. Once he found the dollar I had hid, he said, "oh, this is just the 'pink' dollar that I must have dropped here last week"...I guess the one I hid was actually Ava's, which does have pink nail polish swipes on the back of it, and so it's pretty recognizable. I had to just leave the room instead of trying to make up another story, because I couldn't help smile about how this situation wasn't getting resolved, and how observant my kids are, aaAAAaand how my plan B failed. So then Andy steps in and fixed it all by telling Cael that sometimes the tooth fairy can't get to some kids the night their teeth come out, and that sometimes she comes a day later. He was fine with that explanation and placed the tooth back under his pillow, and was able to go to school happily. I'm actually kind of hoping one of his friends breaks the news to him about the tooth fairy, because he's starting to think she's a real flake!