Friday, March 18, 2011

8 is Great!

Cael is really looking forward to his birthday and baptism coming up this next week. How do I emphasize REALLY? He thinks it's the age that he finally turns into a "man" (is what he says). So needless to say he's pretty excited. He and I were talking recently, and he said, "I'm going to be getting the best present EVER this birthday." I said, "oh yah? and what's that?", thinking to myself that I better find out what he thinks he's getting, because little does he know I haven't even thought about presents. And he said, " The Holy Ghost." It melted my heart. I have yet to hear him talk about any physical gifts that he wants (well, other than a new suit and scriptures), he just wants to talk about his baptism. It's been such a fun thing to see as his mom, that he is realizing the actual importance of this birthday. We're so proud of you, Cael!