Monday, December 13, 2010

{Invention Convention }

Cael usually won't let me have any input on his projects...he really likes to do certain things "all by himself". So when he had the assignment to come up with an invention, my mind started racing with all of the amazing things he (or WE) could create. And even though some of them were really great, since I came up with it he didn't want to do it. So I'm here to say he really did think of it all by himself. He's really into robots lately, and wants one for Christmas, so he decided to build one that would transport items from place to place. I would even find little cool pieces of junk around the house that would've looked so awesome on his robot, but he never wanted to do what I had in mind. He ended up using one of his remote control cars, a capri sun box, a piece of styrofoam, a metal hanger, and some other little things to create his master piece. He did a great job, and his robot was a huge hit. I do have to add he did have a little bit of parental help from his father...who I guess has "way cooler" ideas than me. The kids and Grandma had fun going to the convention and seeing all of the creativity of the second graders.