Monday, June 21, 2010

Our #1 DAD

Cael and Ava had several things planned for Andy on Father's Day breakfast in bed...but they didn't quite wake up in time to see him before he had to leave for his early morning meetings. So all he got that morning was a strawberry smoothie which didn't really compare to what they wanted to make him. However, he was able to stop back by the house for a few minutes, so that's when the kids gave him his two presents (Will was taking a nap). They also did such a good job in Sacrament meeting when the Primary sang to all the dads. I couldn't ask for a better father to my children. Andy is so hands on, and always so helpful. He is such an amazing example for the kids to look up to, he makes life for all of us so much fun, EVERYDAY! We love you! Happy Father's Day!