Monday, June 21, 2010

Our #1 DAD

Cael and Ava had several things planned for Andy on Father's Day breakfast in bed...but they didn't quite wake up in time to see him before he had to leave for his early morning meetings. So all he got that morning was a strawberry smoothie which didn't really compare to what they wanted to make him. However, he was able to stop back by the house for a few minutes, so that's when the kids gave him his two presents (Will was taking a nap). They also did such a good job in Sacrament meeting when the Primary sang to all the dads. I couldn't ask for a better father to my children. Andy is so hands on, and always so helpful. He is such an amazing example for the kids to look up to, he makes life for all of us so much fun, EVERYDAY! We love you! Happy Father's Day!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tonight, as I went in to check on each of our kids, my heart just melted at the sight of all of them. Sleeping so peacefully, such precious little beings they each are. I always laugh when I see what they have in bed with them.. I'm so grateful my Father in Heaven has trusted me enough to raise these sweet little spirits, even though I all to often take it for granted. They are growing up so fast. Cael is such a headstrong little guy, and HAS to have things just the way he wants them, and keeps his "things" so organized and knows where each and every little item he owns is at all times. He is such an amazing example to our entire family. The other weekend we were in Star Valley and as we were getting ready to head home on Saturday, so Andy could be at his morning meetings the following day, Cael was invited to stay one more night and drive home with Will,Tracy, and kids the following morning. He loves spending time with his only 2 boy cousins from the Hokanson side, and so this was a dream for him to be able stay at Grandma and Grandpa's an extra night. So Andy was asking him what he wanted to do, and all he was worried about was if he was going to make it back to church or not. We hadn't packed Sunday clothes for any of us because we had intended to be home. I heard him ask Andy, "Wouldn't Heavenly Father just want me to come home?". Andy told him that it was his decision, and that Heavenly Father would be fine with whatever he wanted to do. But, on his own, he decided to just drive home with us, so he wouldn't miss church the next day. I was so proud of him, even though I really had to hold back talking him into staying, and saying that it wasn't that big of a deal to miss a Sunday, and that he would have so much fun if he stayed. But I didn't. It was such a big decision for him, we just told him how happy we were that he wanted to make it back to church, and how happy Heavenly Father was right then. He is always showing such amazing spiritual qualities, and is looking forward and preparing for his baptism this upcoming school year. Oh how I love this big boy of mine!

Ava is such an angel, and such a huge helper to me. Today as we were leaving a store, she and Will were straggling behind Cael and I while we were walking to the car. It wasn't a busy parking lot, and we were parked in the first stall in the lot, so I just kept looking back over my shoulder to make sure there weren't any cars coming while I was unloading the cart into the car. Ava could see off into the distance that a car was headed their way, and I kept hearing her tell Will to "hurry, let's go to mom", and "c'mon, Will, walk faster". He was just taking his sweet time, and she quickly got quite scared that the car was going to get to them before they made it to me...even though it was still a ways away. She all of a sudden started crying a little bit while frantically telling him to "hurry up! Let's go!", all the while staying right by his side, holding his hand. She really had no need to be so scared, because I was watching the whole thing, and would definitely have run to get them both if I needed to. But I got choked up seeing her care so much for Will. Even though to her it was quite a scary situation, she didn't get mad at him, or even think about herself, she just stayed right there. She really does motherly things like that all the time. I wish I could remember every little cute thing. And I love that she considers me her best friend. Right now she is the most excited of any of us to have a baby girl join our family. She loves to tell me in detail how she is going to help take care of the baby. I never knew I could have a daughter like her. She is my everything. I love her so much.

Will continues to be our little firecracker. I've never had a child that was more daring, energetic, free spirited, and accident prone than him. He is currently in the final stages of having a HUGE black eye heal (which came from hitting it on a bed post), and once this injury is gone...he will do something new that will leave some major mark on his body. He makes us laugh everyday with funny phrases and sentences he's learned from the other kids (most of which aren't the nicest things to say), so we have to be SOOOO careful what we say around him, because he picks up on EVERYTHING. We are in the process of moving him down into Cael's room, so we can free up the crib for the new baby. He lets me know where it is he wants to sleep, and it changes everyday. Although he favors his "cib" (crib) over his "cool boy bed", he sometimes will take naps down in the new spot. But just like teaching him to sleep through the night, we are in for a little bit of struggle once he HAS to make the transition. I might be the one that misses him being in with Ava the most. I've loved hearing them say good night to each other, and

Sunday, June 13, 2010

CoUsIn FuN!

The past few weeks have been so much fun for us. We've been able to spend time with ALL of our cousins. Max, Mallory, Jen and Matt flew out and stayed a week, and we did so many fun things with them (zoo, cabin, movie, Grandma & Grandpa's house...). Then Logan was able to come stay at our house while he was here for a baseball tournament. For Memorial Day, we were out at Mike and Meg's, and had a fun outdoor movie night there. Then Emma and Shelle' turned 12, so we had a really fun water party with EVERYONE at their house. Now, our house is quiet and empty, and we don't know what to do with ourselves!