Thursday, June 18, 2009

Runnin' Fools III

A few of my friends and I joined my Uncle Bryan's Wasatch Back team. Tomorrow morning, us 10 (plus two others coming from AZ.) will run a relay starting in Logan, and ending in Park City. We run non-stop for a day, a night, and into the next day. My hardest leg is a hill that goes on for 7.4 miles!! I can do this, I can do this. :) It should be a good time, even though my #1 fans won't even be there to cheer me on (Andy is taking the kids home to Star Valley for a golf tournament this weekend). It's finally time. All our hard work better pay off somehow.

(back row) Dave Told, Bryan Christensen, Paul Olpin, Ryan Winter, Mark Walker
(front row) Patrick Oborn, Paul Paxman, Holly Hokanson, Allyson Harris, Kyra Hillman