Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Our Mexico trip finally happened! We've been planning on going for a while now (since our Vegas one 2 years ago), but it's been a little tricky making sure the guys were able to leave work, none of us girls were pregnant or nursing, and coordinating with all of our families who were going to babysit our kiddos...oh, and not to mention the Swine flu scare, that had us second guessing our plans. But, I'm here to say we made it through all these obstacles, and had the BEST trip ever!...the only bad thing I have to say about the whole week???...I was really hoping to come home feeling completely rested and rejuvenated, but on the flight home I was feeling quite the opposite. All the late nights, laughing our heads off, sure had its toll on me.
Dinner @ Puerto Madero

Day 1
On our way!

The view from our rooms. So beautiful!! It was heaven being able to fall asleep to sounds of the ocean right outside.

We had breakfast every morning at Champions Sports Bar & Grill

Day 2

Ben, Jesse, and Andy

Melissa and I had fun burying Allyson.

The side of Cancun where the majority of the resorts are, and where we stayed, is REALLY nice. But a few times we took the bus into the center of the city, to experience "real" Mexico. I have to say, sometimes I was a little uneasy. But I was never too worried because Ben speaks Spanish, so he was always able to get us where we needed to go. We ate at a really nice restaurant called La Habachuella. Jesse called ahead and told them that we were coming, and also that it was Andy's and my anniversary (which it was the following week), so they came out singing a song that you could only get away with singing in Mexico...I won't repeat the words...and we got to blow out a candle on our dessert. Happy 8th babe!

Day 3
We went into the flea market to do some shopping. Then we stopped for a bite at a little outdoor joint. We enjoyed some live music while eating there.

Then back to the hotel for more sun and swimming.

Day 4
Talum Ruins

Yes, those are real men swinging from those ropes, about 60 feet off the ground. And yes, we were forced to tip them...just for walking by and taking a quick look at the little show. You have to tip EVERYONE down there...you even have to pay to use the bathroom. It was hard for me to get used to.

We had the opportunity of having an LDS guide at these ruins. It was so interesting to hear the real meaning behind all of the symbols that were etched in the stone. This (according to LDS archeologists) was one of the first Lamanite villages.

Eating lunch right on the beach.

After the ruins, we spent the rest of the day with this guy named Daniel. He was great entertainment for us. The guys really knew how to "egg him on", and by the end of the day he was pretty drunk. While he was still sober, he took us to the coolest little fresh water under ground cave, where we snorkeled. It was amazing! I can't believe I did it, because in some parts of the cave you only have about 6 inches of clearance for your snorkel to breath. My left foot kept cramping up, and so I was forced to swim with one of my flippers on my hand for the last little bit. It was quite the adventure.

Day 5
La Isla Mujeres (The Island of Women)
On the ferry.

Having lunch @ Buchanerro's.

The guys showing off on their boogie boards.

We rented mopeds and drove them around the entire island. It was a blast!

Day 6
So sad it was actually OVER! But we were SOOOOO excited to get home to our babies! We had a short layover in Pheonix, and once we got back on the plane, we sat for almost an hour waiting for them to load some airplane parts that our flight needed to take to SLC. We were soooo ready to get back to Utah!

Andy was ready to lay the smack down on someone at this point.

Thanks for the memories guys! Can't wait to see where we go next time!!!