Monday, June 16, 2008

To our #1 Dad!

Happy Father's Day Andy! Thanks for always making time for the kids, and for being the greatest dad ever. We love you!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

A battle I can't win.

Ava's preferred outfit right now is her Hannah Montana t-shirt with a pink polka dot skirt and silver headband. This is actually a big step up from the princess pajama dress she use to have to wear everyday!

Cael on the other hand loves to mix all patterns, especially plaids.

If you saw my kids on pretty much any given day, you could easily mistake them as orphans. They insist on dressing themselves entirely, which wouldn't be so bad if they knew what looked good together. I used to get so angry with Ava when she wouldn't put on what I wanted her to wear. I'd bribe and beg her till I was blue in the face, but she'd never give in. So I've come to the realization that it's not a big deal, and nobody else in the whole world cares what they're wearing but me. There are some days however (like Sunday), that I make them let me help pick out their outfit. And even when Ava will allow me to do her hair or get her dressed all cute, she ends up taking her hair out and changing a few hours later anyway. I've decided I'm going to save my energy from now on and just allow them this freedom, because it's not that big of a deal. Right??

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Some thoughts on Motherhood...

It's so true when they say that the things you have to work the hardest at in life, will be the most rewarding. I've never known happiness like I do now that I'm a mom, but there are often days when it's SUPER hard! But once one of my kids smiles at me, or does something cute it makes everything I'm doing at that moment all worth it. I truly love being a mom, it's the greatest blessing. I'm grateful for such amazing examples in my life that help me to know how I can be better. I fall short so many times every day. But I also pray daily that I can be more patient and loving to the kids and Andy, because it can be hard to do when the house isn't clean, and the laundry is piled up to my chest, and the dishes aren't done, and so on...But I know I will be helped by my Heavenly Father if I just do my best, and always rely on Him. I'm so grateful that Andy has made it possible for me to stay home with the kids. He really works so hard to give us everything we need. I love him so much. I'm getting to live out my lifelong dream of being a mom...growing up that's really all I ever wanted. I love the family I have, and never knew that I could experience this much happiness.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Leave 'em alone for 5 minutes and...

someone had put my address labels on Will,

Ava was hiding in her room with a half eaten carton of whip cream,

and Cael was doorbell ditching the neighbors in his underwear.

I'm learning that when things get REALLY quiet around the house, it's probably not a good thing.