Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Partying with the Mangums

Jen, Matt and Max came to visit us this past week from Wash. D.C, and it was so much fun to get to hang out with them everyday. It was the first time we've been able to see Matt since he got back from his job in Iraq. Jen's pregnant and due in September. We went to a Cougars baseball game, Jumpin'Jacks, and of course lunch at Chucky's one day. The highlight for all of us was being able to go take a tour of Scott's fire station in Orem. Right now Scott is a head paramedic and fireman and so Cael, Max and Ava got to try on all the gear and pretend they were driving the ambulance. Our little field trip was cut short however when they had to race off to help someone in a car accident. It was impressive to see how quickly they actually respond once the 911 dispatcher tells them the situation over their radios...they were all outside in their vehicles and gone in about 5 seconds, we couldn't even say goodbye to him. He's truly our family hero!
We'll miss Jen and Matt, they had to fly back home today. But we sure had a good time!