Tuesday, May 14, 2013

a few cute moments...

Ava is the most amazing big sister!  She loves to teach Elle school and dance, and has even taught her to say her ABC's and how to count to 12.  I've never had a 2 year old able to do that.  It's all because of Ava.  Her first grade teacher wants to take her home with her.  In fact, lately I tease Ava that Miss Olson is probably planning out a way to kidnap her since it's almost the end of the year, so we practice self defense drills on how she's going to get out of her grasp. She thinks it's funny when I tell the story of how it will all go down. 

Here is just a small sample of the trinkets that Elle carries with her everywhere she goes.  This picture is what she brought down to breakfast the other morning. She is such a doll!
No matter where Andy is in the house, the kids find him and can't help themselves to climb all over him.  He is always so patient with them and is the best most fun dad ever!