Saturday, July 28, 2012

Lake Powell

Love these two!

Ava and Macie

Lexi, Taylor and Carson (both girls are playing soccer this next year for UVU and the Y).
Cael and Logan

Temple Run was played constantly on the IPad. 


This year we went with the Hokansons and the Campbells.  We drove to Stateline on a Monday where the houseboat was and stayed till Friday.  It was hot, hot, hot!...which made it great for swimming, becuase the water felt so good to get in.   It was the first time we were able to use the boat that Andy and Will's Grandma gave us.  It was their Grandpa's boat which he bought back in the late 70's! It is gold sparkled with tan vinyl interior, and it run like a charm!  We had a tower put on it, and it did awesome pulling all of the tubes and skiers.  They've named it "Goldmember".  It seriously is so retro that it makes it so cool looking.  I was a little concerned having Elle go this year, but she did great, and slept so well at night.  Campbell's brought their jet skis and we had an awesome camp spot.  It was a great trip.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

4th of July

We spent a few days up at the cabin before the 4th, which was so fun...swimming, hiking, playing games...and then we drove home on the 4th with NO plans on our schedule, which was such a nice change.  We went to eat at Brick Oven and then headed over to BYU campus and found a spot to watch the Stadium of Fire fireworks.


We took a little weekend trip up to Star Valley to drop off Grandpa's truck, and do a few things for the condo.  It was so fun to stop by Grandma and Grandpa Hokanson's house.  The kids walked around and looked in every room and had to play for a minute with Grandma's toys, and of course, Will had to turn on the dancing Elvis for old times sake. :) It was sad being there without being able to see Grandma and Grandpa though.  They loved being able to visit Chester, and even spent an hour or so feeding him and his friend some grass.  Going there got us so excited for Van and Joyce to get home from their mission in November.  I love that Andy grew up in that cute little town, and for all the good things being in the country can teach a person.