Thursday, March 22, 2012

I love how she will drink all the milk left in her bowl, after she's had cereal. Andy does it, and so do all of his siblings (they were taught growing up not to waste a drop/speck of food). All the little things Andy does to be frugal are so cute to me (and let me just say there are many), and I love when it rubs off on the kids and I. Although, I think as of now, Elle and Andy are the only people in the house that will actually do this. But really, it's the best to hear her slurp up that milk!

one tired, little ballerina...

On the days Ava has ballet, she just wears herself right out. Especially lately that the kids have been jumping on the tramp for hours on end after school, and then she heads to dance, it's so hard for her to keep her eyes open sometimes. The other day we came downstairs and found she'd fallen asleep on these hard barstools.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Chef Cael

Cael was feeling inventive last week after church, and wanted to make up his own dessert recipe. So after awhile in the kitchen, and after a few recipes gone wrong, he came up with a winner. Ava and Will are huge fans of his new treat, and I think they are pretty tasty as well. Here it is: Graham crackers with a peanut butter spread, and cinnamon sugar sprinkled on top. It's funny because he had some of his friends try it the other day, and now whenever they come over they ask him to make some for them. He really thinks he wants to be a chef someday, and I totally support him!

No more bottles!

It was a tough go, but we did it! We can officially say we are done with "ba-bas" in this house. My doctor recommended getting Elle off of them once she turned 18 months, so that's what we did. She was quite sad for about 4 days and nights. I would usually give her one in the morning, and then one before each nap, and then one at midnight,.. 2:00,.. 4:00,.. 7:00...yah, no joke, it was like she was a newborn again. I don't even know how we got back into that horrible schedule, it just sort of started happening. She'd wake up and ask for it, and her being such a cutie, and me being such a push-over, didn't make for a good combination. So we would go down to the kitchen in the dark, get the bottle out of the dish washer, pour the milk, warm it up in the microwave, go back up to my room, feed her, rock her back to sleep (doing all of this with one eye half open), just so that I could keep her happy and let everyone else sleep. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it some nights, but most nights? Not so much. I was taking one for the team...haha. It was funny because Andy would sort of sleep through all those nightly feedings, and one time when I'd had enough with the whole thing, I broke down and told him what horrible habit I'd gotten Elle into, he was amazed and quite annoyed with how bad I can mess a good thing up...she had been sleeping through the night for like 9 months prior to all this since I'd stopped nursing. Anyway, all the ba-ba tears are behind us now. It was just so cute and sad at the same time when she would go open the dishwasher to find one, and not seeing it there, would just throw herself down on the door and cry. It's already been a really great thing (not to mention the awesome night's sleep I'm getting), she's really starting to talk more, and just seems happier and able to handle being sad, and then calms down on her own without the companion of a bottle. I love that cute, little chick, and am so proud of her for going through that little rough patch in the growing up process.

Bowling at BYU

We went bowling at the Wilkinson Center for FHE. The kids love anytime they get to go on campus, mainly because they think it's so cool that Andy went to school there. They always ask questions like, "did you have a class in there?", and "did you eat at these tables?", and "did you buy ice cream like this, from that place?" (it's really cute). We usually will walk around the Wilk for a bit and just let them explore all of the elevators and stairways and hallways. Anyway, back to the bowling...Andy barely beat me, and Cael was the winner of the kids, with Ava in close second, and Will in third. And Elle? Well, she just loved munching on the chicken strips.