Thursday, July 7, 2011

{Trip to Grandma and Grandpa's house and cabin}

Andy went on a camp out to Moab with the Priests, so the kids and I went on a little vacation down to Ephraim. I'm starting to really love all of the little towns in Sanpete County, they are all so humble and cute. They remind me a lot of the area that Andy grew up in, up in Wyoming. So I look forward to anytime we get to go down and visit. We went to the Manti temple grounds, and then got some ice cream. Grandma bought Will some little six shooters to go along with his cowboy outfit, which he's kind of into right now. Cael got a Star Wars light saber fighting stick, and Ava picked out a little purse. After we stayed at their house for a few days, we went up to the cabin. The kids had such a great time hiking, swimming, making smore's.