Friday, November 19, 2010

Many a night, the whole bath plan goes right out the window. I look at my pile of dirty dishes and messy kitchen, then I look at the clock, and then look at the kids, and then say, "nah, you don't look too dirty, we'll do baths tomorrow night." Or sometimes, "Yikes! you absolutely can't wait one more day!" I'm hoping this isn't how it will always be, but since Elle has arrived our priorities are ever shifting. We're slowly getting a better handle on things. Slowly. So here's to a good bath! As rare of an event as they've become in our house. :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


~3 months old
~sleeps from about 10:00 to 6:00
~weighs 13.5 lbs.
~is in the 90th percentile for head, height, and weight
~is always smiling
~gets carried around the house by every sibling...yes, even her 4 year old sister, and two year old brother
~loves to lay on her tummy
~will sit and stare at her daddy for as long as she's allowed too. She's in love with him.
~has the most kissable body parts!