Friday, September 17, 2010

Elle Savannah

Born 08.04.10

Oh how we are loving on this little girl! She was sure a stubborn one to get out, I'll tell you (my hardest delivery yet), but totally worth all the extra work :) She was 8lbs.13 oz., and is continuing to gain weight at record speeds. She was born with a ton of hair (unlike the other 3), and she has a cute little angel kiss on her left eyelid. And she is a total chubster, rolls everywhere! And we love it! She just started smiling, and holds her head up so well. The other kids absolutely adore her. Cael runs in from school each day and the first thing he wants to do is hold her. We always laugh because of everyone in the house, she chooses to spit up on Cael the most. Ava is such a good little mom, always helping me change diapers, and letting me know when she's hungry. Ava is loving that she has a sister to share her room with, even though currently Elle is sleeping next to me in bed, or on the couch, or in the rocker...she's just now starting to sleep for a good chunk of the night, so I really need to start putting her in the crib. We love her SOOOO much, and are so happy she has joined our family.

August Meteor Showers

We heard on the news that there was going to be a meteor shower that would last over a few nights. So Andy and the kids decided to sleep out on the tramp to watch, while I stayed in with Elle. It really was amazing. About every 30 seconds you could see the coolest shooting stars. I had no idea it was going to be that cool. The wind in Spanish Fork gets pretty fierce, especially where we are at the mouth of the canyon, so I didn't expect them to make it the whole night. They did however sleep outside until about 5:00 a.m....

...then in the morning I came down the stairs to this.