Monday, May 24, 2010

Princesses in the Pool

Esprit de Corps Dance Concert

Ava did awesome at her Spring recital! We loved watching her! She did a dance to "Splish Splash" and "Animal Crackers". She especially loved having her cousins there to watch. And the flowers Andy and Cael gave her?...she carried them around the house, from room to room, wherever she went, for an entire week, because she thought they were the greatest thing ever. Good Job, Ava!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Coloring Easter Eggs

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Shelby's Blessing Day

(Men from the Fuller and Beardall families) We are so blessed to have so many worthy Priesthood holders in the family to be in the circle with Scott. It was a beautiful blessing. Uncle Matt (from D.C.) was even able to come out and spend the weekend with us.

Great Grandpa "B"

Scott, Mom, and Shelby

Ava and Grandpa Beardall