Friday, April 16, 2010

We are so excited for another little girl to be joining our family this August! Ava's been on Cloud 9 since we found out, partly because she thinks she gets to name her Hannah Montana. :) I've never done the pregnant thing during the summer months, so we'll see how I hold up.

Will is 2!

We were in Star Valley over Will's birthday this year. His cute cousins all worked hard to plan his party. They baked him a cake, wrapped up presents, and totally decorated Grandma and Grandpa's house. He loves his Toy Story camping chair and football that he got.

Baby Shelby is here!

Scott and Brittany had their baby! They named her Shelby Colleen Beardall. She is absolutely beautiful. The kids have loved any time they've been able to see her. We are so happy we live so close to them, so we can see this little peanut whenever we want!

Cael turned 7!

Happy Birthday Cael!
7 reasons why I love you:
1. You are such an awesome older brother to your siblings. You know how dad and I are always joking with you to start babysitting Will and Ava? Well, I honestly think you could do it. Don't worry, we won't REALLY start until you're 8. :)
2. You are such a righteous example. I love how you refuse to take a bite of a meal, until the blessing has been said, and you won't ever go to sleep at night with out saying your prayers. Thanks for being our "prayer reminder". Thanks for all of the spiritual thoughts you've shared at home evening, and for the sweet testimony you already have of our Savior.
3. I love you for always blowing me a kiss before you go into school each morning.
4. I love you for being so conscious of others feelings, and are so quick to say you're sorry if you know you've done something wrong.
5. I love how you look forward to things, and always want to check the calendar to see how many days we have left until: Disneyland, or summer, or a birthday/holiday.
6. I love how your little mind thinks. I love all of the drawings of inventions you want to make, and for the "rough-drafts" of stories you want to publish someday. You are such a smart guy.
7. I love that you are one of my best friends in the whole world, and I can't imagine my life without you in it. Thanks for coming to live with me seven years ago.
