Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Andy's Birthday Weekend

Tubing at Soldier Hollow - Ben, Allyson, Tara, Grant, Nate, Bobby Jo, Andy, Holly

Thanks to these guys, we almost got kicked out of the resort. You can always leave it to our husbands to turn a nice little tubing run into a death trap. We just pretended like we didn't know them. :)

I've never heard these girls scream so loud...ever! And daredevil Tara (who's 9 months pregnant), hit most of the runs with us too.

The after-party in our room at Zermatt. Melissa and Jesse surprised Andy by bringing the pizza and cake.

The guys played "Rock Band", and Ben dazzled us with his vocals. :)

Mel, Al, Hol, and Bob.

Wow. It was truly great entertainment.

When we got home we got to have a little party with Cael, Ava, and Will.

The whole thing was a surprise to Andy, which I can't believe I pulled off...and I was only able to do it thanks to our friends, and to my mom for tending the kids. Andy always ends up finding out anything I ever plan, or else I usually just tell him because I can't keep secrets from him. I was so proud of Cael and Ava for not blowing it either, which was hard for them to do because they were so excited to have Grandma come stay. Whenever I would go over the plans with Cael he was so cute to make sure that I wasn't really going to "kidnap" dad. So I showed up at his office all excited, with our bags packed and ready to go. I told him he needed to come with me, and he just looked up at me and said, "Uh...well I'd love too, but I have two appointments coming in right now." Dang it! Guess I hadn't thought of that. So I ran errands for a few hours until he was able to leave, and then we drove up to Midway where some of our friends surprised him at the hotel.