Saturday, April 12, 2008

Welcome Baby Will!

He's here! William Van Hokanson was born this past Monday at 1:45 p.m. (named after Andy's older brother and Dad). Andy and I got to the hospital around 8:00 a.m., but things didn't start progressing until about 10:00. So I had time to get my epidural while the contractions weren't too bad. The scariest part about the entire process of having a baby (for me) is getting the epidural, but I think they're such a blessing. Once my doctor broke my water things started happening quickly, and then I only had to push for about 20 minutes before he came out. The delivery was a dream. If I could've moved my legs I would've jumped off the table and kissed my doctor. He and the nurses did such a great job. Later that afternoon once the numbness wore off and I was able to get up and walk around, it didn't even feel like I had just had a baby. I'm so thankful for how smoothly everything went. So, needless to say my recovery has been practically pain free other than those HORRIBLE after birth contractions that happen when your nursing. WoW! They get worse with each baby it seems. My wonderful mom has been here everyday, all day helping me until I get a handle on things. Cael adores his new baby brother. He's always wanting to hold him, and doesn't like anyone else to get by him. Ava on the other hand is a little indifferent. Sometimes I think she's happy he's here, but usually she acts a little jealous. So Andy and I have really been trying to make her feel special and let her know she's still loved. :) Andy took Cael and Ava to St. George this weekend to see our niece get baptized, and to give me some time alone to rest and be with the baby. He's such an amazing dad and husband, ALWAYS helping out wherever needed. We're so excited to have Will here- finally! We're thankful for all of the support shown to us from friends and family. Thank you for the meals, gifts, prayers, and love that you've given. Now if we can just get him to sleep more in the night than in the day things will be great!