Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My friend Summer organizes a huge Easter egg hunt every year up at Rock Canyon Park. The kids absolutely love it. Cael wanted a picture with the easter bunny who made an appearance at the end.
Cael was so cute to help Ava find eggs for her basket, even though he had every opportunity to run ahead and leave her in the dust.
The kids got a really fun Easter package in the mail from Grandma & Grandpa Hokanson. They are always so cute to think of us on every holiday.
The Easter Bunny left a trail of eggs for Cael and Ava to follow that led to their baskets.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Cael!

Cael turned 5! We had a party for him at Jumpin Jacks, and then brought everyone back to our house for lunch/cake and to open presents. He felt so special, and had such a great time (this was his first party with friends). His little buddies that came were Cade, Brock, Bo, Trent, and Xavier. Then on Sunday (his actual b-day), we had a fondue dinner with his cousins. We love you so much Cael, you are the BEST big brother, example, and son we could've ever asked for.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

a BIG week for Cael

Today we went to kindergarten registration, and Cael was so excited to be able to walk around the elementary school where he will be going. We peeked in every classroom, the library, the lunch room, and he just HAD to go in the boy's restroom to use the urinal. :) I think it's going to be really hard for me once he starts in the fall, and it's not that he's going to be gone from home much longer than he is with pre-school, but it just means he's really growing up and it makes me so sad at how fast that happens. Also, his birthday is on Sunday along with Easter. He's really excited to have a party on Saturday, and he loved passing out invitations to his friends today. At pre-school they did a fun little activity where they were given a newspaper page and a magnifying glass, and they had to look through it and highlight any letters they could see that appear in their name. He spent a few hours working on this even after he came home from school that day.