Wednesday, November 21, 2007

We're having a....

Sorry... We'll all have to just wait and see! I had my ultrasound today, and the baby looks fine, but we didn't have the sonologist tell us the sex. Orginally Andy and I were both TOTALLY for leaving it a surprise, but just since last week I've been wanting to know. But he would NOT give in and let me find out. Since we do have one of each, and I have all the clothes I'll need for whatever it turns out to be, we thought why not do something different this time. I think it'll be fun. (Although deep down I was hoping she'd slip and say "he" or "she", but no luck.) We let Cael and Ava come with us, and they thought it was so neat to see. Cael REALLY wants it to be a boy or a dog. :) To those of you who said you're going to call the Ob Gyn yourselves to find out?...they said they won't tell anyone over the phone. :) So, we'll just have to be patient until April.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Halloween '07

Ava was a witch. (If she knows I'm going to take a picture, she'll hurry and look away - what a stinker!!)

Cael was a pirate again this year. Here he is at his pre-school Halloween program.