Saturday, August 25, 2007

our favorite summer treat

All summer long I've been buying a box of these every time I go grocery shopping. Cael and Ava LOVE when I let them have one, and I've discovered Andy loves them just as much. Although, for awhile I couldn't figure out why we were going through them so fast. I've known Andy usually grabs more than one when he hits the freezer, but the other night I came down from bathing the kids and found him with about 15 empty wrappers. I thought it was so funny, and he had no shame in telling me that he does that quite often. I guess for only 30 calories per serving- they aren't that bad of an indulgence. :D

Saturday, August 11, 2007

A Night at the Museum

Here we are at the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point. We did it all...the exhibits, the sand & water sinks, the pretend quarry, touched the bones, and ate at the deli and the ice cream parlor. And after all I saw and supposedly "learned", I can still only name like 3 or 4 dinosaurs (pretty embarrassing). Going there was quite the activity to top off our already VERY busy day, and yet after all of it, Cael was begging to go to Wal-Mart...of all places. He sometimes comes up with some pretty random ideas of things we could go do, just to get out of going home and going to bed.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Congrats Scott!

I just want to congratulate Scott for graduating from the Firefighter and Paramedic Programs at UVSC (the soon to be UVU). He has put in many hours and hard work to earn his degree. Scott, I know you would never admit to this, but you've already been a hero countless times in your shifts in the ER, and on the ambulance, and in fighting all those forest fires. Many people have been blessed by the service you've rendered. I'm so glad you are now able to do what you've always dreamed of doing. We are all so proud of you, and love you so much.